Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sources of Tension Part 2

     The United States claims their going to stop buying Saudi Arabians oil.Bahrain is protesting against their dictator for economy and freedom reasons. This is called the Arab spring. Security is cracking down and killing some of the protesters. The Bahrain people are wondering why were not helping this country and trying to spread the democracy. If U.S likes the Dictator then the U.S tends to leave them alone and if the U.S don’t like the dictator then we will crack down on them. The United states says they need to approach this strategically since they have the largest naval base in Bahrain and it is the exports of most of the oil. Saudi Arabia helped out Bahrain seize the protest. The United States was afraid of a leader coming in from Iran and leading attacks against the United States. 
     The Sunni based government against Shiite Muslims were said to have destroyed the Shiite moss. This could lead to a civil war or a genocide. Protesters and other people have been taken and probably killed by the government. The United States naval base says they have had a good and healthy middle east so they aren’t going to involve with the problem. Protests are breaking out all around the Middle East and the United States stays out of it because the oil is flowing. I think the United States is doing the right thing by staying out of it. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Middle East Movie Part One

 The United States interviewed in Libya due to Quadifi in Libya. This is due to the talk of extreme massacre. Libya wanted Quadifi dead. The United States wanted Rebel forces to build up their forces in their fight against Quadifi. There were Supports from from all around. Catar is among the most involved in the rebels in Libya. They sent large amount of military support. Rebels say they are not exporting any oil. Abdalla Shamia, the economic minister says that they are still producing though. People have different beliefs if the United States should have intervened in Libya. I personally think we should stay out of their business and focus on solving the problems in the United States. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Middle East Gross Summary

         In the Middle East, there is not a balance of wealth. The GNP per capita varies from family to family and country to country. Family income in the Middle East per year is as high as $24,000 and as low as $530. The countries that have the highest standard of living are the United Arab Emirates with each person averaging about $24,000 a year, Israel with each person taking in about $17,000 a year, Qatar with each person taking in  about $9,000 a year, and Oman, with their per capita averaging about $8,000. Although those numbers aren’t high as in other places outside of Middle East you are well above average with that money in the Middle East. This might illustrate a source a of conflict in the region due to money problems concerning money. Since of money issues, there would be thief, violence and even war in getting things they want.